Monday, 27 August 2012

early mornings and long car journeys

Good evening my dear reader. I feel like I should explain my lack of blog posts but I am unable to. It was an odd mix of negative feelings and lack of inspiration but after waking up at the crack of dawn this morning to fly down the motorway to Cornwall, many things came to mind which I thought I might share.

The first is the journey itself. I awoke at 4:30am, yawning and stretching and blinking away the remains of my dreams which pretended to have shook me awake however it was in fact the sharp tone of the alarm clock which grasped me from a deep sleep and threw me out into the morning. I slipped on my brand new glasses (beautiful, they are, I can see things now which I would never have noticed before; the sky itself is suddenly so much clearer) and shuffled to the window where the sight which greeted me allowed a smile to spread itself across my face.

The sky was magnificent; the usual blue sky barely visible as streaks of golden yellow, pink and purple were painted over it like the swirls in the painting Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. Just as breathtaking. Opening the window and allowing the cool, early morning air to flow in I noticed how silent it was. A flutter and twitter of birds serenaded the glorious sky as they flew up towards it, attempting to taste the colours so beautifully curling around the clouds. Then silence settled in again, shrouding the street in a blanket of tranquility which I had never before witnessed.

The journey began slowly, time scattered and stretched as the minutes seemed to last hours and the hours a lifetime. The roads were as peaceful as my street had been, only the whirring of the car and faint classical music playing could be heard. Again, I witnessed the beauty of cars and how magnificent they are to watch going about their short lifetimes which are relived with each journey (see previous blog post if confused). Once closer to Cornwall, the clouds which thanks to my new glasses I had only just made an acquaintanceship with, were suddenly surrounding the car. Engulfing it in misty wisps and causing an odd shudder to rattle through my body. As we passed over hill and valley I noticed the sheep scattering the fields and how they looked so much like white sprinkles on a fluffy green ice cream, so insignificant to a passer by yet so wonderfully placed that if you bothered to watch them it was all rather wonderful.

Although extraordinarily grey and bleak to the eye of a human who is just passing through, a rainy Cornwall is a beautiful Cornwall. Its beaches may seem unusable but in fact the sea is even more breathtaking than it usually is. The waves crash against the rocks as the rain batters the sea creating a tremendous crescendo which sounds a lot like the whistling you hear when you press your ear against a shell, only multiplied until it echoes along the coastline.

I'm extremely exhausted after the long journey and the early wake up but I have discovered in that short amount of time more beauty than I have seen in weeks. Tomorrow I am off for a bicycle ride along the coast and therefore will probably have yet more to describe to you. I hope you have enjoyed today after my being away for so long.

Ayesha x

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